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Brand Identity For Danielle

Brand Identity For Danielle

An Author’s Brand Journey

An Author’s Brand Journey

An Author’s Brand Journey

From Brand Chaos to Clarity

From Brand Chaos to Clarity

As an author and wellness advocate, Danielle embarked on a journey to clarify and redefine her brand.

As an author and wellness advocate, Danielle embarked on a journey to clarify and redefine her brand.

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headshot of client
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With a unique blend of writing to heal and empowering workshops, Danielle sought to align her brand with her profound mission. Imagine a brand transformation that not only captures the essence of her work but also amplifies her voice in the literary and wellness community.

With a unique blend of writing to heal and empowering workshops, Danielle sought to align her brand with her profound mission. Imagine a brand transformation that not only captures the essence of her work but also amplifies her voice in the literary and wellness community.

The Brand Jam

Danielle struggled with defining her brand identity and showcasing her unique voice in the industry.

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"I was absolutely clueless about how to show up... I became an imitator of others and didn't know how to show up as me."

author business card design
author business card design
presentation design for author
presentation design for author

The Brand Plan

Focused on deep exploration of Danielle's values and mission to create a cohesive brand identity.

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"Verô's thoughtful questions and deep exploration into who I am and who I serve were pivotal."

a variety of swag items like candle design, pins and tote bag
a variety of swag items like candle design, pins and tote bag
instagram stories graphic design
instagram stories graphic design
website design for wellness author
website design for wellness author

The Results

A distinctive brand identity that reflects Danielle's personality and mission, enhancing her connection with her audience.

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"Verô infused my brand identity with my voice, style, and personality, giving it a very distinctive feel. She's the crème de la crème of brand identity designers, she's warm and engaging and truly demonstrates caring. Her energy is grounding and it shows that cultivating good energy is part of her framework."

author business card design
presentation design for author
a variety of swag items like candle design, pins and tote bag
instagram stories graphic design
website design for wellness author

Want a cohesive, consistent and professional brand?

Want a cohesive, consistent and professional brand?

You’ve landed on this page for a reason and I’m excited to chat with you. Let’s create a brand identity that’s iconic and authentic, one that lights up eyes and warms hearts over and over again!

You’ve landed on this page for a reason and I’m excited to chat with you. Let’s create a brand identity that’s iconic and authentic, one that lights up eyes and warms hearts over and over again!

Work with Verô

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headshot of client
headshot of client







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